Wyvern, Dungeons & Lasers, Unpainted, Archon Studio


It’s better not to mess with it!

Its sharp claws, long tongue, and terrifying eyes warn everyone to stay away. Unfortunately, there’s always that one man who needs to prove his bravery. Well then… now he can proudly represent the fresh Wyvern manicure.

– Wyvern model
– Customizable scenic base

All models come unpainted and unassembled.

2 op voorraad

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It’s better not to mess with it!

Its sharp claws, long tongue, and terrifying eyes warn everyone to stay away. Unfortunately, there’s always that one man who needs to prove his bravery. Well then… now he can proudly represent the fresh Wyvern manicure.

– Wyvern model
– Customizable scenic base

All models come unpainted and unassembled.


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