My Little Pony, Roleplaying Game Dice Set


A full set of dice needed to play the My Little Pony Roleplaying Game
2d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4, and a special d2 coin
Easily identify your critical successes in the game!

This set includes:

2 d20
1 d12
1 d10
1 d8
1 d6
1 d4
1 d2 Coin

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A full set of dice needed to play the My Little Pony Roleplaying Game
2d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4, and a special d2 coin
Easily identify your critical successes in the game!

This set includes:

2 d20
1 d12
1 d10
1 d8
1 d6
1 d4
1 d2 Coin


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