Drinking Glass Bottles and Glasses set 22 Pcs, Ziterdes (tavern, bar), 6079219


When Jack and his companions entered through the torn-out pub door, they already knew what to expect. Only a few bottles and glasses had remained intact and the inventory had also suffered greatly from the fights with the zombies. They didn’t have much time before the zombies returned, because it was already dawn. They quickly stocked up on everything they could use and made their way to their hiding place for the night…

Often it’s just little things that make a scene more realistic and this set is certainly one of them. The transparent resin opens up all possibilities for painting.

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When Jack and his companions entered through the torn-out pub door, they already knew what to expect. Only a few bottles and glasses had remained intact and the inventory had also suffered greatly from the fights with the zombies. They didn’t have much time before the zombies returned, because it was already dawn. They quickly stocked up on everything they could use and made their way to their hiding place for the night…

Often it’s just little things that make a scene more realistic and this set is certainly one of them. The transparent resin opens up all possibilities for painting.


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