Critters/Familiars, Dungeons Adventures, Mantic Games


The deep places of the world are far from empty. Creatures make their homes there, preying on the weak and growing strong on the remnants of decaying magic. It is a careless adventurer who does not treat them with caution.

Contains Critters and Swarms for your dungeon

2x Bat Swarm
2x Giant Spiders
2x Ravens
2x Vultures
2x Giant Lizard
2x Giant Scorpion
2x Owl
2x Giant Rat
2x Insect Swarm
2x Pile o’snakes
2x Perfectly normal treasure chest (make a DC15 Perception test)
Minis com unpainted and unassembled


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The deep places of the world are far from empty. Creatures make their homes there, preying on the weak and growing strong on the remnants of decaying magic. It is a careless adventurer who does not treat them with caution.

Contains Critters and Swarms for your dungeon

2x Bat Swarm
2x Giant Spiders
2x Ravens
2x Vultures
2x Giant Lizard
2x Giant Scorpion
2x Owl
2x Giant Rat
2x Insect Swarm
2x Pile o’snakes
2x Perfectly normal treasure chest (make a DC15 Perception test)
Minis com unpainted and unassembled


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