G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game Cobra Dice Set


Ready to bring upon the Cobra New World Order? This 8-piece dice set is what every hero needs to play the G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game! Designed for the Essence20 Roleplaying System, these dice show your Cobra allegiance as you set your sights on the meddling Joes! Or if you prefer, use them in Dungeons and Dragons to show your allegiance against those meddling heroes.

This set includes:

2 d20
1 d12
1 d10
1 d8
1 d6
1 d4
1 d2 Coin


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Ready to bring upon the Cobra New World Order? This 8-piece dice set is what every hero needs to play the G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game! Designed for the Essence20 Roleplaying System, these dice show your Cobra allegiance as you set your sights on the meddling Joes! Or if you prefer, use them in Dungeons and Dragons to show your allegiance against those meddling heroes.

This set includes:

2 d20
1 d12
1 d10
1 d8
1 d6
1 d4
1 d2 Coin


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